The next communications revolution is just around the corner. By 2020, you will be witnessing the launch of the ultrafast 5G mobile broadband that will unleash speeds that could be a hundred times faster than 4G. It will bring with it, waves of innovation that can disrupt almost every industry.
The arrival of 5G is going to support the IoT revolution that is about to bring about a huge transformation in our lives.
There will be smart mirrors that enable you to try on clothes digitally…
There will be assembly line sensors that can tell you when you need to repair or replace crucial equipment upon the slightest decrease in efficiency…
There would be GPS-guided agricultural equipment, which can plant, fertilize and even harvest crops…
Fitness Trackers will provide you with the option of transmitting data to your doctors immediately…
A VR experience can make you select your next vacation destination…
While relaxing in the comfort of your home, you can take a VR tour of a national park, a sporting stadium or a museum anywhere in the world…
You can have data projected on the windshield of your car while you are driving…
From connected cars/homes to smart buildings/transportation, the consumers, businesses and governments will be provided with every option possible to connect with and control everything around them.
No, this is not a science fiction. This industrial revolution is very much happening as you read this. It is massive enough to offer your business better opportunities to grow. The question however is this – Are you completely prepared to speed on this Internet of Things?
The IoT revolution and 5G connectivity are going to establish a new platform for businesses, partnerships and services to be built on.
It will supercharge artificial and virtual reality, making them as real as possible….
AR and VR content will get delivered to your mobile devices directly…
The doors will be opened for 4K Videos that you can download within 10 minutes…
You will experience social media in real time as if your friends are actually in your room, with you, through hologram video chat….
From sponsorships to pre-roll ads and then to event-based marketing, every form of marketing will be replicated….
Advertising and Media will have to adapt themselves to new processes, behavior and thinking that this revolution is going to engender….
There will soon be driverless cars that will communicate with one another in order to support a driverless world and safe driving conditions. With such cars, there are greater chances that people will be concentrating more on their smart phones rather on the roads. It definitely provides more opportunities for brands to connect and engage with the consumers through appropriate messages.
The central mission of all brands will still remain the same – To establish and maintain meaningful connections with consumers.
So, how can you manage to stay meaningful when everything around it is changing?
The answer is quite simple – you have to shift your thinking.
You have to change your view on how media relates to the lives of people.
Fortunately the technology of today provides you many outlets and screens that you can use as platforms to create meaning.
From radio to cinema screens to televisions and mobile, media has come a long way in connecting with people. The screens are getting more and more close to our eyes, increasing intimacy, interactivity and connectivity.  5G technology is sure to help brands get closer to its consumers. An incredible transformation is surely awaited.
The meaning that a brand creates might differ from person to person. Brands will have to identify these meanings by digging deep into the dreams, attitudes and aspirations of different groups of consumers. It is the connections that are based on such insights that drive greater trust, desire and involvement and empower brands to establish relationships with their consumers.
In their efforts to match up to the 5G transformation, brands should find ways to connect with the consumers via the platforms and devices they use and come up with strategies that will increase their response.
Personalization has been the buzzword in marketing for quite some time now; but 5G is going to revolutionize the concept of marketing completely. Customers will start expecting brands to send them marketing messages that are creative, relevant and timely. The massive amount of data available will help advertisers to tailor their messages perfectly to their customers. Not only will the customers benefit greatly from such relevancy, advertisers will also get to maximize their ROI on such campaigns.
Marketers can become master manipulators of those tiny windows of opportunities and influences only if they adapt the practices of gathering and analyzing sophisticated data. This would require the use of the right digital skills and tools. However, just gathering and analyzing data is not going to be enough to achieve your goals. You will need a successful strategy to make this information work towards your success.
For instance, you can use this information to predict the future outcomes of your business.
You can understand your customers in a better way and create their profiles…
You can deliver high quality prospects to your sales department…
You can create marketing campaigns that not just connect but create the right impact…
You can use this information to retain your customers and optimize their loyalty…
You can even make use of advanced analytical tools to measure the performance of your campaigns and tweak them accordingly. Such practices are sure to change the face of marketing completely.
As per current estimates, 5G is expected to roll out sometime during the beginning of 2018. It might take about two years for it to reach its maximum commercial scale. Yes, you have time. But it is not too early to start thinking about the kind of opportunities 5G connectivity will bring in and how these are going to affect your business.

So, let your creative juices flow and get ready to harness the wonderful opportunities that 5G connectivity is likely to deliver.

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