Corona Virus - Safety Tips (We Must Know About Prevention from COVID-19)

Here are some tips to stay safe from corona virus 

There's only ONE thing you need to understand about how a Corona Virus Spreads

The Virus spread when there droplets 
So if you see someone who is visibly coughing / sneezing / sick, you can choose to : 
(1) Keep your distance : 2 m. to 0.5 m. will keep you safe from large droplets.
(2) Give them a Mask : They can cough / sneeze into it and protect everyone else nearby.
And in General, its a good idea to avoid crowds, because you don't know who might be sick.
However, sometimes a sick person's saliva can get on other things
And if you touch any of these things by accident, and then touch your face
You might all fall sick.
Viruses can last for upto 48 hours on objects
and the only effective way to to get rid of them is to wash them off with soap.

It is also good to follow 5 precautions.

(1) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after touching a suspected contaminated surfae.

(2) Cover your cough with a disposable tissue or use mask and discard them immediately in a waste bin. Don't wear the mask for more than a day.

(3) Avoid coming into contact with people who are sick or share the personal itmes, food, utensils, cups & Towles.
(4) Avoid touching your Eye, Ears and Nose.

And Finally
(5) Seek Medical advice if you are sick.

Stay Safe Everyone.

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